
Friday, September 07, 2007

After the earthQuake

Nobody would ever know what happened in the middle day of March 6. Earthquake with a power of 6.3 S.R shook West Sumatra. Some areas colapsed leaving hundred victims homeless. The epicentrum was in Tanah Datar district, yet the effect quaked its neighborhood.

I was in an editorial meeting at that time. Days after the disasters became headline in local newspapers.

Due to my position as a weekly editor in
Singgalang Daily Newspaper (Harian Umum Singgalang), I absord more info on my desk. From the reports from the journalists I could feel the pain and sorrow in quake-affected areas.

Realizing my potency and knowing that I could do more than just sit and edit news, I apply for IOM vacancy. Yes, I was accepted as a Community Liaison and Assessment Asistant with main duty to socialize the reconstruction program on April 14th.
IOM was to build transitional shelters made of bamboo for those whose houses heavily damaged.
I finally found big challenge. Despite my task in newspaper I had to go to the field, contact local officers, socialize our program, organized community meetings and treat particular aprocah to avoid social jealousy. I could do my part in socializing the program well. Yet in a distribution and reconstruction time, I found it needed explorative skill. Bamboo shelter which was initially seen by one eye and rejected by some people seemed to become a treasure. Jealousy was on the air. Cooperation among people that I emphasized as a moral value of the project was ignored. Individualism showed its power mastering some community's thought. I desparately reminded people about their commitment to help each other and regain such a strength of mutual spirit.

It was hard. But I strengthened myself that I had to accomplish the projects. I knew it was not gonna smooth but for sure, it would be a happy ending program. And I was right. After five months with strong team work, the project was done. Now, thousands people who used to live in tents can happily smile. They no longer need to worry about fighting unfriendly weather and risking their health. They are now ready to stabilize their economy before building the permanent sehelters.

The story of the earthquake victims that got transitional-bamboo shelters publicized in
Harian Umum Singgalang.

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